Here's a look at the Marvel Legends Adam Warlock and Ex Nihilo.
Adam Warlock was a figure which needed an update. Mainly due to the articulation. Look wise the previous version is actually not that bad. This new version is of him in his modern appearance. The figure reuses the good'o Bucky Cap body. The costume details were well painted on. The belt and loincloth is a separate piece. I like the belt for its sculpted detail and also the shiny bronze colour. It looks great! He's got a nice head sculpt. The paint apps are good. The eyes and eyebrows came out very well. I like how his eyes contrast. There's great sculpted detail in his hair and another plus is that it has some light brown shading in it. Very nice!

Ex Nihilo came as a bit of surprise. He's not one I'll think off to put on a want list. Basically because I'm not that familiar with the character. I'll still add him to the collection though. The more characters we get the merrier. Ex Nihilo certainly has a unique look with one horn longer than the other and a third eye on his forehead. The smile he spots is just creepy. The body reuses the Hyperion body. One notable difference is that he is barefooted. His whole body was cast in shiny gold. It gives him an omnipotent kind of feel, especially when light falls on him. The black design on his torso was well painted on.

Adam comes with an alternate Magus head and two power effect pieces which we've seen before. This time round they are coloured in light blue. The included BAF part is the head of Mantis.
Ex Nihilo only comes with the left arm of the BAF Mantis.
The Magus is a dark version of Adam Warlock. I love the head sculpt. He looks really menacing, especially with that sinister looking smile. The paint apps are good. He actually has gold eyes which you may be unable to make out. A minor gripe is that there's a bit of gold splotch on the dark ring of his left eye. Again there's great sculpted detail for his hair. And there's some light blue shading to top it off.

Adam Warlock has got a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, bicep swivel, double jointed elbows, swivel hinge wrists, ab crunch, waist rotation, ball hips, thigh swivel, double jointed knees, calf swivel and ankle hinge and pivot.
Ex Nihilo has a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, bicep swivel, double jointed elbows, swivel hinge wrists, ab crunch, waist rotation, ball hips, thigh swivel, double jointed knees, calf swivel and ankle hinge and pivot.

Comparison shots.
Adam Warlock is a great figure! I'm not so hot about Ex Nihilo. Thanks for viewing!
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