
Friday, September 10, 2021

Marvel Legends Series Wolverine 5-pack Callisto

Here's a look at Callisto from the Wolverine 5-pack.   

The figures from this set were first revealed by several Youtube reviewers. They are good at what they do and deserve the opportunity. I must admit I can't help but feel a little envious. I would love to be asked to do one. I know I probably don't deserve the opportunity. Not currently anyway. If it were a few years ago maybe, when I was more active and had much higher viewership. Still I can hope. Or demand. Lol. If any Hasbro staff is reading this I demand to be sent something Marvel Legends related to reveal! It doesn't have to be a whole figure. I'll take a head sculpt or even an accessory. It'll help you save on international shipping as well. Lol.   

Enough about that. Let's get to the figure. Callisto's head looks a little on the small side. Or maybe I should say short. I remember her face being more longish, and not so roundish. The likeness is decent. She looks better at an angle. She does have a pretty mean look so that's good. She has a nasty scar running down her right eye. There's good detail for her hair. I like that there's some blue shading in it. The body fully reuses Storm's body from the Apocalypse BAF wave. The bands (separate piece) on her arms are newly added. I like that they painted the studs, and also on the choker. She is wearing a bright orange blouse. I would have preferred it to be of a darker tone. I like how they did the bottom of her blouse. They painted it, both front and back to make it look torn. The orange on her lower torso is slightly brighter than on the upper torso. It's not too noticeable.    

Some close-ups of her face.

Accessories. She comes with an extra set of gripping hands, a butterfly knife and a switchblade. 

The knives look great. They have some nice detail on them. Click images to enlarge.

Articulation. She has a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, swivel hinge elbows, swivel hinge wrists, ball joint torso, ball hips, thigh swivel, double jointed knees and ankle hinge and pivot. She can look up and down decently. The hair and collar hinders her looking up but it's manageable.

Comparison shots.

Callisto is a decent figure. I like the knives. Thanks for viewing!


  1. You do deserve the opportunity for a reveal. Some of us prefer a pictorial review and yours are always great.

  2. Cool set. Didn't know it was coming until I chanced upon it surfing through Amazon. Looks great and so happy they finally did a Callisto. Love the whole Morlocks story arc. And yes, Hasbro should have you do some reviews.

  3. Thank you both for your kind words!
