Black Widow! Grey and white suits!
Just based on the costume I wasn't that keen on these two figures to be honest. Aside for specific team and certain shots they will likely be kept in storage. But then Hasbro had to include some really cool accessories which made them very attractive. And so I had to get them...
Black Widow wore the grey suit (Grey) during the 80s and 90s in the comics. It's a look I'm not that fond of these days. I find it rather dull. I guess I'm just too used to the black costume. She would sometimes wear the jacket. I would have preferred if the figure had done without it. I feel it's more Widow-esque. The jacket by the way reuses Rogue's jacket. The Avengers logo was painted on both sleeves. I'm not sure if she wore a belt with her grey costume. I tried Googling and all of the pics I came across had her without it. The belt is a separate piece and is comprised of several pouches. There's nice detail on it. It sits a little high for my liking. The head sculpt is nice. The paint apps are good and she looks great. There's a good amount of detail for her hair and I like that it's got some black shading in it. I would have liked if the curl were thinner and did not cover her right eye. The body largely reuses the retro Black Widow body. I'm thinking the upper torso is new. The shape of it looks different from what we got previously and there's a more noticeable gap at the torso joint. Then there's also the collar section. The spider symbol was well painted on. It's got the red hourglass on its body.
The white suit (White) was first seen in the Black Widow: Deadly Origin series. Of the various colours she's worn this would be my least wanted figure. I have to say though she's got a gorgeous head sculpt. I just love the look of her! I love her fair skin tone and I love the fierce look of her eyes. The paint apps are great! Her hair is windswept and is fully blown back. Love the look of it. And I like that it has some dark shading in it. The body reuses the Ultimate Riders Black Widow body. Her suit is of a pearlescent white here. Not sure what happened with my figure. Her chest seems to be sitting above her costume...
The grey suit has two spider symbols. One in front which you've seen. And one on the back. Well there is a spider painted on the back of the figure. Unfortunately it's just half a spider. The upper half was not painted... I know her jacket is covering her upper torso but still I'm quite annoyed about that...
Close-ups of their faces.
Just for fun. Let's make some new Black Widows! Grey's head is loose and wobbly on Black's body. The head size is okay.
Grey comes with an extra pair of open hands, a pair of bracelets with blast effects, a pair of bracelets with smoke effects, a SHIELD jetpack and two rocket blast effect pieces. The effects on the bracelets are not removable.
Love the attached effect pieces!
The jetpack is a SHIELD issue. The SHIELD logo is painted on the back. It uses straps and it takes some doing to put it on. Remove the hands and bracelets first to make the task a little easier. It's too small to use with adult male figures. The blast effect pieces may be used here.
UPDATE 2 March 2020 - The jetpack may be used on the male teen body.
White comes with a handgun with silencer, a handgun, a rifle, two muzzle flash effect pieces and two gun smoke effect pieces.
The effect pieces peg into the muzzle. They may be used on all the weapons.
Grey has a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, swivel hinge elbows, swivel hinge wrists, ball joint torso, ball hips, thigh swivel, double jointed knees and ankle hinge and pivot.
White has a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, swivel hinge elbows, swivel and up and down hinge right wrist, swivel hinge left wrist, ball joint torso, ball hips, thigh swivel, double jointed knees and ankle hinge and pivot. She can hardly look up due to her hair.
Comparison shots.
Both are nice figures. The main attraction of the two though are the accessories. Love them! Thanks for viewing!
Excellent work, Jason! Thanks so much for putting this review together!
Wow! those are some fantastic figures and excellent photos.
Thanks all for your kind words!
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