
Thursday, April 4, 2019

Marvel Legends Series Avengers: Infinity War Loki & Corvus Glaive

Another Marvel Legends two-pack. Here's a look at Loki & Corvus Glaive.

I'm really happy with this two-pack, especially with how Corvus Glaive turned out. It's a great figure. The amount of sculpted detail on him is simply outstanding! And it's not just on the figure itself, but also on his attire as well. Great stuff! The gold colours help bring out the detail And the wash takes things up a notch. Check it out for yourself. Click images to enlarge. The head sculpt is great too. There's a good likeness, and he looks menacing. There's some metal pieces on his face and also markings. The hood section is stuck on. The cape and "skirt" piece are separate pieces. The cape is long and can interfere with low posing. I like the way it spreads out where it hits the ground.

A close-up of his face. Love how they did the skin. They did a bit of dry brushing giving it a textured appearance.

The cape is removable. The inside of his cape has sculpted detail as well. Now we can have a better look at his attire. Once again there's great detail there. The plastic has a bit of shine to it making him look like he's wearing armour. I don't think it's armour. It's supposed to be fabric or leather if I recall. 

Corvus Glaive comes with his double-bladed glaive. The blades have nice detail. I love the textured shaft. He can only hold it with his left hand though.

Loki is a repaint of the figure from the Gladiator Hulk BAF series. I very much prefer this look over the previous figure. I like the black over the blue. I think his skin tone is better here too. It's not as sickly looking. 

Loki comes with the Tesseract. It's similar to the ones we've got before with the Red Skull.


Loki has a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, bicep swivel, double jointed elbows, swivel hinge wrists, ab crunch, waist rotation, thigh swivel, double jointed knees and ankle hinge and pivot.

Corvus Glaive has a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, bicep swivel, double jointed elbows, swivel hinge wrists, ball joint torso, waist rotation, ball hips, thigh swivel, double jointed knees and ankle hinge and pivot. He cannot look up much due to the hood. He can look down okay. His cape restricts him from raising his arms, notably the left arm. The ball joint torso has a good range of movement. He can bend forward and back, and slant to his sides pretty well. There's good amount of bend for the elbows and knees.

Comparison shots.

Corvus Glaive is a great figure. He just might be the best figure of the Black Order. I like the updated Loki. Would have loved if they gave him some daggers. Thanks for viewing!


  1. I found this set as well a few days ago. So great. Glaive is definitely very well done. Just need my Ebony Maw and will complete the brotherhood.
