
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Star Wars The Black Series Tech (The Bad Batch)

Here's a look at the Star Wars The Black Series Tech.

I've yet to watch The Bad Batch actually. I was waiting for the season to finish so I can binge it. Now that it's done I'll be getting to it very soon. Tech here is the smartest one of the group. He's easily recognisable for the white suit of armour he wears and his goggles. Hang on... goggles... goggles... what the... he doesn't come with any goggles! It's a glaring omission by Hasbro. For them to leave out one of Tech's main features is inexcusable... Goggles aside this is still a great figure. He's got a nice head sculpt. There's some resemblance to Temuera Morrison who played Jango Fett in Episode II. Jango Fett's DNA was used to create the clones so the figure bearing his likeness makes sense. His facial features were well done. There's good detail for his hair. I like the raised tuft in the center. His armour looks great. I especially like the paint detail with the red, grey and brown. It's not cleanly applied which makes it more realistic. The armour sections were mostly sculpted aside for the torso section which is a separate piece. The belt too is a separate. It has several pouches on it and I like that it's textured.          

Here's some close-ups of his head.

Accessories. He comes with his helmet, his backpack, a pistol and three tools.

Tech looks significantly better with the helmet on. Now that's more like it. It has the antennas sticking out and also the visor. I like that they used gold paint for the visor. The skull logos on the sides of his helmet appear pixelated. Is that how they are supposed to be? Guess I'll watch the show to find out.   

The visor can be raised. Underneath we finally see him with his "goggles". It's even got the little red light thingy on his right side. The goggles are part of the helmet but at least it's there. Gold was used for the lenses which I'm okay with. It would have been great if they could make it translucent and have his eyes visible through it.  

The backpack has some nice detail on it. It's even got some dents and scuffs on it. There are antennas sticking out from the top which we'll have to be careful not to break. The backpack pegs reasonably well into his back. It'll stay on untouched. Move the figure and it may drop off.

The tools are quite thin. He can only properly hold the spanner like tool in his left hand. The other two will drop out easily. You can wedge them in between his fingers to get him to hold them. 

The tools may be stored at the loops of his belt.

Here's how he looks fully equipped. I wish there was a place for him to store his pistol.

Articulation. He's got a dumbbell join upper neck, ball joint lower neck, ball hinge shoulders, butterfly joints, swivel hinge elbows, swivel and up and down hinge right wrist, swivel and hinge left wrist, ball joint torso, ball hips, thigh swivel, swivel hinge knees and ankle hinge and pivot. He can look up and down decently. There's not much range for the butterfly joints. The elbows and knees can bend a little more than ninety degrees. He can hardly bend forward. He can bend back somewhat and also tilt his body to the sides. 

Comparison shots.

Great figure! He just needs his goggles... and another pistol. Thanks for viewing!

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