
Monday, January 27, 2020

Marvel Legends Series The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl

Here's a look at the Marvel Legends Squirrel Girl. 

The cardboard insert features a park scene. I wouldn't mind if they included more backdrops like this with figures. Just need them to be bigger and have more floor area.

Squirrel Girl may have defeated some prominent villains in the comics. But now in figure form she faces her greatest opponent yet, herself. To be more specific, her tail. It causes her to fall backwards a lot. Hence she has to lean forward in order to stand. Her bushy tail has nice shape and detail. It does not have any articulation on it. The part where it attaches to her back is flexible so you can adjust the tail position slightly. 

Squirrel Girl looks old. A lot older than what she's supposed to be. She comes across as someone in her forties. Sixties even. The hairstyle they gave her doesn't help either. The paint apps on her face is good. I like how the eyes, eye lashes and eyebrows came out. Squirrel Girl features some new parts such as the upper torso, upper arms, hips and boots. The grey furry trimming of her top was sculpted on, as were her jacket sleeves. Her jacket too is new. It resembles an aviators jacket. I like the textured detail of the collar and hemmed areas. The back of her jacket is pre-posed flapping back which is good for when she's riding her scooter. The furry pieces at her thighs and boot tops are separate pieces inserted at the joint. Her belt too is a separate piece.  

Here's how much she has to lean forward in order to stand.

A close-up of her head. She reminds me of someone. Can't quite place her...

Squirrel Girl comes with a scooter and three squirrels.

I only know the one with the pink ribbon is called Tippy-Toe. I'm not sure if the rest have names. All the squirrels do not have any articulation.

Her scooter is the same one as Deadpool's. Just that there's a basket attached at the front and that it's of a different colour. The basket was stuck on and not removable. 

There's nice detail for the basket. I like that they did some detail for the inside as well. All three squirrels can fit in the basket. It is quite cramped though so I prefer to have the one on all fours riding on her shoulder. 

Squirrel Girl can sit comfortably on the scooter. If you use the pegs she will not be able to reach the handle grips.

Simply position her forward and she'll be able to reach them. She could use some gripping hands to grip the handles. 

Articulation. She's got a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, swivel hinge elbows, swivel hinge wrists, ball joint torso, ball hips, thigh swivel, double jointed knees, boot swivel and ankle hinge and pivot. She can look down fine. She cannot look up as much due to her hair but I think it's enough.  

Comparison shots. Note that she is leaning forward in all of the following pics.

Squirrel Girl is just an okay figure for me. Would have preferred a more youthful appearance. Thanks for viewing!

1 comment:

  1. I know nothing about this character but this set looks like so much fun!
