
Friday, July 12, 2019

Marvel Legends Ultimate Riders Ultimate WWII Captain America

Look what's rolled in. It's a new Captain America with a bike.

This here is the Ultimate WWII Captain America. I've stripped him of all his gear so we can get a better look at his base uniform. The head and neck is out of proportion. The head looks a little small and he has a rather long and large neck. He's wearing an aviators cap. It has some nice detail on it. You can make out the straps and the seams on it. And it's also textured. The goggles are shiny. They can be rather distracting. I would have preferred the look with his eyes visible. The body is all new. His uniform is loose fitting and there's quite a bit of material and creases in the sculpt. There's some texturing, most notably on his sleeves. The boots are nice too.   

Click images to enlarge.

Accessories. He comes with a helmet, a Tommy gun, a holster for the Tommy gun, a pistol, a knife and his shield. He also comes with a harness which I forgot to include in the pic. The shield utilises the clip and peg system which we are familiar with. He is able to carry his shield on his back. He can only hold the knife with his left hand. It's loose in his right. Both the knife and pistol may be stored on his person.

The gun is the same one which came with the previous Ultimate Cap. You can give him the brown one if you like.

Here he is fully geared up. Proportions look a bit better with the helmet on. The helmet may sit deeper but I've placed it so that his goggles are more visible. The harness has good detail and I like that the clips, studs and buckle were painted. His holster has letters U.S on it which is a nice bit of detail.

A close up of his face.

I tried some unmasked heads on him. The Commander Rogers head fits but sits too high. The previous Ultimate Cap unmasked head and the MCU Cap heads don't fit. 

A look at his bike now. First the removable parts. There's the handlebars, saddlebags and straps and an ammo box. 

The bike is very similar to Wolverine's bike, just that is has a new, large windshield section in front. Check out the pics. The bike is olive, military green in colour. It has a star printed on each side. I'm not too happy about a notable sprue mark on the left side. I like that the engine has some black shading in it. The saddlebags, ammo box and rifle holster may be attached on. The holster though can't seem to stay on and pops off easily.

There's some scrape marks and wear on the front fender. There's also some on the ammo box.

On the dash you can find the speedometer. 

Captain America sits comfortably on the bike. I didn't have to fiddle too much to get him in position.

Articulation. He's got a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, bicep swivel double jointed elbows, swivel hinge wrists, ball joint torso, waist rotation, ball hips, thigh swivel, double jointed knees, boot swivel and ankle hinge and pivot. He can look up and down well and he's able to cock his head. The torso joint offers good slant to the sides and back. However there will be an awkward lump visible on the opposite side he's slanting. He can't really bend forward. The sheathed boot knife hinders the boot swivel a little.

Comparison shots.

It's a pretty nice figure overall. The bike is good too. Thanks for viewing!


  1. Looks so sweet! You get the new Hulk and Wolverine 2 pack?

  2. @PowerNevada - Nope. Not yet.

  3. Nice, could've taken a pic with the Marvel Legends modern Ultimate Captain America, either the one with grey pants or the one from the 3-pack with Ms. Marvel and Radioactive Man.

  4. You have a great run at the moment. I did not know that this figure was already out. I'm more interested in the upcoming MCU Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter two-pack, but they are going to (re)use this body for MCU Steve. I like that the gear is removable. Thanks for the review(s). I love to see your pictures :)

  5. @foldabotZ - I wanted to but I couldn't find the figures. I did find one of them today and have added it to the comparison section. Thanks!

    @Damon - Thanks for checking out my blog! The run is unlikely to last. I'm doing what I can for now.

  6. Awesome job,Jason. Your reviews and pictures have helped many a time in figuring out whether or not to replace a Toy Biz figure or not. You seem to always show comparison pictures with just the groupings. Keep it up. We appreciate ya!

  7. Awesome job,Jason. Your reviews and pictures have helped many a time in figuring out whether or not to replace a Toy Biz figure or not. You seem to always show comparison pictures with just the right groupings. Keep it up. We appreciate ya!
