A couple of dudes in green. Genis-Vell and Yon-Rogg.
First up Yon-Rogg. The figure is based on the MCU version of him. It's a nice figure but for me he doesn't quite stand out and feels more of a troop builder. Maybe if he had an unmasked head or something. That would help. He's supposed to be a pretty important character in the film after all. He could also do with a smaller right hand. I don't think I want to know what he does in his down time... On the positive side of things there's a lot of great sculpted detail on his uniform. I really like the logo with its multiple design elements. The metallic green areas has quite a bit of sculpted design too. And you can make out the seams and creases on the black, leather like areas. Nice! The paint apps are great. I like the flesh tone and how they did the lips. The eyes were well done too.

Next up Genis-Vell.
This is a comic based figure of Genis-Vell. I'm not too familiar with the character but from what I Googled this seems to be the look he wore when he became mad. I noticed in the pics online that the strap is supposed to run down from the left shoulder. I switched it for the rest of my pics. The body reuses the Grim Reaper body. One difference is that translucent plastic was used for the dark areas. You can't tell from the pics. His body has the appearance of deep space with stars and this does the job very well. The"stars" here are shiny specks of paint. I got unlucky with my figure. He has a speck just at his nose which reminds me of a sunbather with a splotch of sunscreen on his nose. It's quite annoying. The green areas have a metallic look and shine. The strap and Nega-bands are separate pieces.

Yon-Rogg comes with a grey pistol. The included BAF part is the torso for the Kree Sentry.
Genis-Vell too comes with a pistol. It is the same one that came in the Kree Soldier two-pack. I know I have that figure but I was unable to locate it for a pic. The BAF part is the right leg of the Kree Sentry.
A closer look at the pistols. They have some nice sculpted detail on them.
Yon-Rogg has a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, bicep swivel, double jointed elbows, swivel hinge wrists, ab crunch, waist rotation, ball hips, thigh swivel, double jointed knees, boot swivel and ankle hinge and pivot. He can look up and down decently. The thingy on his forearms prevents the full utilisation of the elbows.
Genis-Vell has a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, bicep swivel, double jointed elbows, swivel hinge wrists, ab crunch, waist rotation, ball hips, thigh swivel, double jointed knees, calf swivel and ankle hinge and pivot. The head sits a little loose on the neck so be sure to adjust it when posing. The shoulder pads restrict his arms from being extended out to the sides.

Comparison shots.
Both are nice figures but I'm not so hot about them. Probably because I'm not familiar with the characters. I may troop build Yon-Rogg when he goes on clearance. Thanks for viewing!
Awesome photos. What is the Kree figure with the blue head?
@GIJigsaw - That's the MCU Minn-Erva. Her head is included with the Starforce Captain Marvel.
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