
Monday, September 6, 2021

Marvel Legends Series Age of Apocalypse (AOA) Cyclops, Legion & Iceman (Colossus BAF)

Some boys in blue.

Cyclops is my least favourite of the three so let's get him out of the way first. When I say least favourite it's because of his appearance. I never liked this look for him. The figure turned out great and comes as a bit of surprise. He has some new parts on him which really elevates the figure. The arms are new and they are of the pinless sort. The AoA Cyclops is quite muscular and it shows here. He has some pretty large biceps. The gauntlets and the armour pieces of his arms were sculpted on. A great thing about them is that they have some nicks and dents in them. To top if off they have some scratches painted on as well. Very nice! The belt and shoulder armour is one separate piece. The body of course is the Bucky Cap body with the longer feet. He has a great head sculpt. The likeness is good and he has quite a fierce expression. The visor and communication device is a separate piece stuck on. He's only got one eye. The left side of his visor is plain. His hair is gorgeous. I can't believe I'm saying that for a male character. There's lots of detail and lots of volume. I can imagine him doing a shampoo commercial.    

Some close-ups of his head. 

Check out the detail on his armour. Click images to enlarge.

Poor Cyclops does not come with any accessories. The included BAF part is the left leg of the Colossus BAF.

Next up, Legion. 

Legion is the son of Professor X and is so named by the multiple personalities in his mind. He is mental and it shows on his face. The head sculpt is excellent. His left eye is wide open and he wears a twisted smile. They truly nailed his unhinged personality. He looks a little like Hank Azaria. It's a good choice to base his look on IF Hasbro did as Hank does play many characters. Legion's hair is one of the most unique around with that broom top hairstyle. There's good detail in it. You can make out the multiple strands. There's a small tuft sticking out in the centre. The torso and crotch piece is new. He's wearing a sleeveless plain blue shirt. It has quite a bit of creases and wrinkles on it. I'm not sure what they were trying to do with that dark blue shading in the front. It kind of resembles ink. I'll just take it as some stains. There's none on his back. I'm not sure if the arms are new. They appear rather flat. The legs reuses those from Shang-Chi. I guess they needed the bare feet. Using those however makes him look more muscular than he is supposed to be. Some loose fitting pants would have been great.

Some close-ups of his head.

Accessories. He comes with an extra pair of fists. The included BAF part is the right leg of Colossus.

And finally, Iceman.

Iceman is the coolest 😀 of the three. I love the tone of blue he's in. Really nice! They also painted on some frost which makes him look even better! The figure reuses some parts from the Iceman from the Juggernaut BAF wave, such as the forearms and legs. The head, torso and upper arms are new. This being the AoA version needs to be more spiky. And spikes they did give him in abundance. I'm loving the spikes of his head and back. The upper arms have a small cluster. Great to see.    

Some close-ups. The AoA version has no mouth. The white eyes stand out well against his icy body. Check out his frosty torso and arms.

Accessories. He comes with an extra set of ice claw hands. The included BAF parts are the right arm and a right fist for Colossus.


Cyclops has a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, bicep swivel, double jointed elbows, swivel hinge wrists, ab crunch, waist rotation, ball hips, thigh swivel, double jointed knees, calf swivel and ankle hinge and pivot. He cannot look up much due to his hair. Looking down and head rotation is a little hindered by his hair. He is unable to raise his left arm straight up due to the shoulder armour. It needs to be slanted outwards. The elbows can bend about ninety degrees despite his gauntlets and armour.

Legion has a dumbbell joint neck, ball hinge shoulders, bicep swivel, double jointed elbows, swivel hinge wrists, ab crunch, waist rotation, ball hips, thigh swivel, double jointed knees, low calf swivel and ankle hinge and pivot. He can look up and down quite decently. The ab crunch crunch allows one click forward and two clicks back.

Iceman has a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, bicep swivel, double jointed elbows, swivel hinge wrists, ab crunch, waist rotation, ball hips, thigh swivel, double jointed knees and ankle hinge and pivot. He can look up and down quite decently.

Comparison shots.

I didn't think I would like Cyclops but seeing him in hand changed my mind. Great figure! Legion and Iceman are great too! Thanks for viewing!


  1. Awesome figures. Iceman definitely looks the coolest.

  2. In the first picture for Articulation... Are those JoJo poses?

  3. Does the Cletus Kasady head from Carnage in the Monster Venom wave fit on the Legion body?

  4. @foldabotZ - Yup! Jojo poses.

    @Tom Boy - I seem to have misplaced the Kasady head. Will update again when I find it.
