
Friday, July 31, 2020

Marvel Legends Series Sunspot & Warpath (Strong Guy BAF)

A couple of X-Force members. 

This here is Warpath in his 90s costume. I actually passed on the previous version as I'm not familiar with the character and am not that into X-Force. Things are different now. Most of the team have become available and they look so good together! Warpath has a great head sculpt. I'm not sure how old he's supposed to be but I like his more, shall we say senior appearance. The facial lines are prominent. He has a serious look about him The headband and mask were sculpted. They did a good job with his hair. I like the way it hangs. There's a feather in his hair on his right side. The body reuses the Omega Red body with different lower legs. He's wearing boots with tassels on them. The shoulder pads too have tassels and are removable. They do not stay on well and tend to drop off whenever we move his arms. It's a good thing that they are removable. It gives us a different look which he has worn before. The only thing about doing that is there will be exposed holes on his shoulders. The costume details were painted. The paint apps could be better. The belt and bracers are separate pieces.    

A close-up of his head. I really like his facial features. 

Accessories. He only comes with an extra set of gripping hands. The included BAF part is the right leg of Strong Guy.

So we get gripping hands but no knives... it's very disappointing... Fortunately he can borrow some from either Nuke or the Hydra Soldier from the two-pack. The Hydra knife is better as the blade is silver (below left) in colour which is more accurate. Nuke's knife has a black blade. 

Nest up Sunspot.

Whenever Sunspot powers up and uses his abilities, he changes form and has a black appearance with black circles emanating from his whole body. This is what you see with the figure. The "circles" are only present on his back. It's a new effects piece stuck on. I think he's got a nice head sculpt. I like the messy look of his hair. His red mask was sculpted on. The body largely reuses the Bucky Captain America body. The torso has been modified so as to accommodate the large yellow collar. A slot was made for it. The lower legs are new. The yellow design on it were sculpted.The costume details were painted. The bracers are separate pieces.       

A close up of his head. The plastic used is quite shiny and reflective.

Accessories. Sunspot come with two black effects pieces which we've seen before. The included BAF part is the front half of Strong Guy's torso.


Sunspot has a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, bicep swivel, double jointed elbows, swivel hinge wrists, ab crunch, waist rotation, ball hips, thigh swivel, double jointed knees, calf swivel and ankle hinge and pivot.

Warpath has a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, butterfly joints, bicep swivel, double jointed elbows, swivel hinge wrists, ab crunch, waist rotation, ball hips, thigh swivel, double jointed knees, boot swivel and ankle hinge and pivot. He cannot look up much due to his hair. He can look down okay. He cannot raise his arms fully with the shoulder pads on. Just remove them for better posing. 

Comparison shots. I think the size of the old two-pack figure is better.

Warpath is a good figure. He really should have come with his knives. Sunspot is okay. Thanks for viewing!

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