
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Sentosa Sandsation 2019: Star Wars Edition

Dropped by the Sentosa Sandsation: Star Wars Edition which is now on till 15 September 2019 at Siloso Beach at Sentosa. There are quite a number of sculptures on show and they are impressive. Most impressive. Check out the pics for yourself.

Click images to enlarge.

I was a little surprised to see Anakin there. 😀

The Emperor on his throne is one of my favourite sculptures. He's quite imposing. Even though it's just sand I can't help but be wary around him.

The Sentosa International Sand Sculpting Championship is being held at the same venue. You can catch the sculptors at work if you visit within the first couple of days. 

And here's some of the items being sold at the event. You can find the sales area at the Sapphire Pavilion. I'm not really into merchandise these days. Any available budget is for toys! Lol.

I haven't been to the beach in awhile and it was good to get out there. I had a nice relaxing walk, checking out the sculptures. One thing struck me, and that is there weren't any Tusken Raiders or Jawas in sight! Surely they must be present for a sand event such as this. Fortunately I anticipated this and brought one along. Lol. Took the opportunity to do some outdoor toy photography.    

I'm not that good at it so I'm just trying things out.

That's about it from me. For more details on the event you can check it out on the Sentosa Sandsation site.

Follow this link if you like to see the Marvel Edition from last year.

Thanks for viewing!

1 comment:

  1. That is amazing and unbelievable. Thank you for sharing.
