
Sunday, June 24, 2018

Marvel Legends Series Luke Cage & Claire Temple Two-Pack (Netflix)

Just in time for Luke Cage Season 2. Here's a look at the Marvel Legends Netflix Luke Cage and Claire Temple.

First thoughts. They got the shape of Luke Cage spot on. I like the broadness of the torso. He's like one massive walking brick. The figure is all new. He's in his iconic yellow t-shirt and blue jeans. I like the creases and wrinkles on the t-shirt. It has a tight appearance the way it's hugging his body and for the shape of his pecs to be visible. The sleeves were sculpted which is nice. There's nice detail on his jeans too. You can make out the seams and there's also creases in it. His jeans are actually bluish grey in colour and have a light wash on the front. The head sculpt is just okay for me. There is some likeness. He looks best from the side view and in some angles. Straight on though it's not quite there.

I realise it's not easy to make out his face in the above pics so here's a close-up. He seems kind of sad. His facial hair was sculpted. 

He wears a watch on his left wrist. I think he does wear one from time to time in the show but I don't think it's supposed to be this much silver in colour. The watch is quite nice. It has some nice sculpted detail on it. The watch is removable. You just need to pop his hand off first.

Claire Temple I think has a better likeness than Luke Cage. Something is still off though. I think its that creepy smile. They got her skin tone spot on. Her her hair has nice shape and detail. The torso is new. She's wearing a simple black blouse with collar. Her blouse is tucked out and has visible creases in it. There's a noticeable scuff mark on her right side which I'm not happy about. If I'm not wrong the legs reuses those from Silk. They are cast in dark navy blue to make them look like leggings. They painted a little flesh tone at her ankles. I like that they did that. Even if it's just a tiny detail it does enhance the display. It gives it a little more realism, especially for the Netflix characters. 

One issue I have is the hips area. Due to the sculpt of the lower torso the legs cannot be positioned back further. She's leaning forward as you can see in the following pic. It's a similar to the issue with Blade but it's not as bad here.  

A close up of Clare's face. She's pretty creepy and seems to have an evil intent. The paint apps are good I must say. The eyes and eyebrows were well painted. Her lips have a shine to them which I like.

All of the accessories belong to Claire in this two-pack. She comes with a pair of hands with claw weapons, a pair of hand with surgical gloves and a handbag. I think the claws made a brief appearance in an episode or two. I'm not sure of the name of it but since they have four claws I guess they are tiger claws? Do let me know if you know the name for it. I like the metallic paint used for the claws. The strap portion was not painted well on my piece and part of it is flesh coloured. The surgical glove hands are not new, they are just cast in that colour. I like that they included them, she has had to use a pair pretty often. The handbag is the same one as Mary Jane's, just olive in colour.


Claire has a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, swivel hinge elbows, swivel hinge wrists, ball joint torso, ball hips, thigh swivel, double jointed knees, and ankle hinge and pivot. She can look down okay. She can only look up just a little bit due to her hair. Her hair also hinders head rotation. She can arch backwards quite a bit but not bend forward much. 

Luke Cage has a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, bicep swivel, double jointed elbows, swivel hinge wrists, ab crunch, ball hips, thigh swivel, double jointed knees and ankle hinge and pivot. He can look up and down well. The shoulders are ratcheted and quite stiff so do be careful when moving the joints. The ab crunch allows one click forward and one click back. He can raise his legs up pretty high.

Comparison shots. I think the size is about right to how the characters are in the series. I feel though that Luke Cage should be bigger. Maybe I'm too used to his comics counterpart. 

Both figures are just okay for me. Still, I'm happy to add them to the Netflix team. I'm not sure if I'll be getting the upcoming SDCC Netflix set. I quite like my Starlord Iron Fist. That just leaves Colleen Wing. We'll see... Thanks for viewing!


  1. Nice review and great photos as always. I love the cleanliness of your posts. I realised that no-one has comment on the fact that the head on Luke is different from the back of the package. He's squinting on the promotional shots. I find it very disappointing. Also I hate that ab-crunch. It looks like an arrow. Is too distracting. Rosario's face is off, and I think her eyes are too close together. It's a shame cause she's stunning, and they have done such a great job with the other figures. But I guess tha fact that we have a figure of Night Nurse at all, feels quite incredible.
    Finally, those claws are a homage to The Cat, Tigra's first incarnation (who's outfit was inherited by Hellcat). I think it was an Easter egg type thing from the show.
    Thank you for your gorgeous reviews.

  2. Wide release or exclusive? Where did you get it? Awesome set.

  3. @Ariellagunas - Thanks for the comments and info!

    @GIJigsaw - I got this from a local toy shop. I'm not sure if it'll be a wide release or an exclusive. It may be a Walmart exclusive.
