
Saturday, April 23, 2016

CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Blue Carpet Event Singapore

The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands witnessed what must be a record breaking turn out of fans who turned up to catch Team Cap at the Blue Carpet Event on the evening of 22 April 2016. Standing room was at a premium as fans crammed the area around the skating rink to await the stars from Captain America: Civil War. Some reportedly began arriving as early as 8am. The start time of the event was 6pm. You would think there would be space on the upper levels but oh no. I got there around 2pm and already found myself a considerable distance away on the street level.

The event was hosted by Stephanie Carrington and Glenn Ong who warmed up the crowd while waiting for the arrival of Chris Evans (Steve Rogers/Captain America), Sebastian Stan (Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier), Anthony Mackie (Sam Wilson/Falcon) and Director Joe Russo.

A cosplay competition was held to kck things off. We saw fourteen participants show off their costumes which are based on Marvel Movie Characters.

The winner was Kanchiel in an Iron-Man suit. One of the main judging criteria is how well you portray your character and he certainly played the part well. He even has some resemblance to Tony Stark.

Some Questions and Answers and trivia followed. It felt like they were stalling for time. All of sudden Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan and Joe Russo all came out from behind the stage, catching the fans and even the hosts by surprise.

Getting a selfie or an autograph is never a guarantee at these events, even if you had a good spot by skating rink or fortunate enough to have a ticket to access the VIP section located in the centre of the rink. The three stars did as best they could to reach as many fans as possible. Anthony Mackie and Joe Russo endeared themselves to the fans even more by climbing over the barriers to reach those behind the media area.

Anthony Mackie would later "fly" up the escalator to the upper level to the delight of the fans crammed there. 

Amidst all of this Chris Evans finally made his appearance. I'm surprised the roof wasn't blown off by the screams and cheers from the crowd when his name was announced.

Not long after, the four stars took to the stage. They were then asked questions by some kids from the Marina Bay Sands Corporate Social Responsibility (MBSCSR) programme who were invited to the event. Among the charities in the programme are the Association for People with Special Needs and the Singapore Association for the Deaf. 

Before the night ended Team Cap were presented with artwork by local artists. And also several works done by the kids from MBSCSR.

The event is one to remember. The crowd was amazing! It was certainly one of the best crowds that I've been a part of. With great stars come great crowds. While I would have liked to be on the floor with them I was still happy on my perch two floors up. Another time perhaps. Hopefully when Infinity War comes around and with the whole Avengers team. 

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