
Saturday, November 28, 2015

Anime Festival Asia (AFA) 2015 - Two Recommendations

I caught a couple of acts on Day 1 of AFA 2015 which I thought were fun and cool. The first of which was a special performance by Real Akiba Boyz. They are a b-boy group who dance to anime theme songs. They danced to music from Love Live! and Shingeki no Kyojin yesterday just to name a few. Their performance was fun, energetic and at times comical. They will make another appearance on Saturday, 28 November 2015 at 3.15pm at the mini-stage. I'm not sure if they will be performing though. If that is the case you can check them out on Youtube. More info can be found on the AFA guest page

The other act which I recommend are the comedians (pictured below) presented by Yoshimoto Entertainment. Some the acts were conducted in Englsih and I thought they did a great job. For the acts conducted in Japanese you should be able to grasp what is going on. There were seriously some hilarious moments. Some classic and well known anime characters show up as well. I like to go into detail but I do not wish to spoil it for you, just in case they use similar material. Their next appearances are on Saturday, 28 November 2015 at noon at the main stage and on Sunday at 1210pm at the mini-stage. 

Do check out the above mentioned acts. Thanks for viewing!

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