
Friday, May 15, 2015

Video Game Super Stars: Marvel Vs Capcom (Toy Biz)

A blast from the past! Came across this lot while packing. I thought I do a post on them.

I used to hit the arcade quite a bit back in the 90s. I loved playing the various Marvel fighting games, X-men: Children of the Atom, Marvel Super Heroes, X-men Vs Street Fighter and of course Marvel vs Capcom. I only used the Marvel characters at that time. I think it's probably because I didn't know the background of the Capcom characters. I liked the game a lot and I knew I wanted the figures when they were announced. If I recall correctly this line never made it to local retail. I got them from a seller at the old Clarke Quay flea market. 

There were four two-packs released. They each came with a printed background which I can't find at the moment. They are:

Spider-man Vs Strider

Spider-man is a repaint of the figure from the Web Trap series. The sculpt is pretty good. He's a little too muscular. It has has great detail. The lines of his costume were all sculpted and were painted in. I like the shape of his head and his large eyes. His pose is fixed. For articulation he's got a peg neck, peg shoulders, peg hips, knee hinge and ankle hinge. He comes with a web shield which clips onto his wrist. I love that accessory.   

Strider I think was an all new sculpt. He's got more of an animated style appearance and has a good likeness to how he appeared in the game. I like the detail on his cloth mask and mid section. He's got an action feature, rotate his waist and he'll swing his right arm and elbow. For articulation he's got a peg neck, peg hinge left shoulder, left elbow hinge, peg hips, knee hinge and ankle hinge. He comes with two blades. The shorter one can be stored in the sheath on his back.

I realise as I'm typing this I have him using his weapon the wrong way below.

Venom Vs Captain Commando

I'm sure Venom is a repaint of a previous figure but I'm not sure what. I don't like the head sculpt. The lower jaw is extended way too much. I also think they overdid the green slime in his mouth. I like that that painted some slime on his tongue though. He's small in size and has trouble standing. The logo was well painted and there's a dark grey wash on some parts of his body. Articulation, he's got a peg neck, peg shoulders, peg hips and knee hinge. He comes with a Venom snake accessory. 

Captain Commando is a cool looking character. What with the combed hair and the red and black shades. He's got cyborg like arms. There's great detail on the tubes and the metal coverings have a bit of texture to them. Rotate his waist and he'll swing his right arm. For articulation he's got a peg neck, peg shoulders, elbow hinge, peg hips and knee hinge. 

War Machine Vs Mega Man

War Machine is the same figure as the War Machine 2 figure from the Iron Man Animated line with a slightly different head sculpt. This one doesn't have the targeting eye piece. I think he looks better here. I was happy to get this as the figure from the Iron Man line was difficult to get. I managed to complete the entire Iron Man Animated. I like to show them to you but I've already sold most of them. The chrome armour pieces are removable. He carries dual rocket launchers on his back and they can be shifted to aim forward. The rockets fire at the push of a button. Articulation, he's got a peg neck, peg shoulders, elbow hinge, peg hips and knee hinge.

Mega Man or Rockman I'm sure a lot of you will know. There have been many games with him. The figure is not the best. The look is decent. He's got a weird stance. The armour with wings and rocket launchers is removable. His body underneath has become worn and yellowed so I kept the armour on. He can fire a missile from his left arm. Articulation, he's got a peg neck, peg hinge shoulders, elbow hinge, waist rotation, peg hips and knee hinge. A feature which I haven't mentioned is that his legs can be extended at the knees. Cool.

Captain America Vs Morrigan

One of the better Captain America figures back then after the Electro Spark figure. If I recall correctly, this figure shares the same body as the one from the Silver Age line. This has a different head sculpt and different colours. There's not too much detail and he has an animated style appearance. It's got some black wash on the blue areas. He comes with his shield which I gave to the Electro Spark Captain America. I didn't have enough display space and I still don't. Articulation, he's got a peg neck, peg hinge shoulders, elbow hinge, waist rotation, peg hips, knee hinge and ankle hinge.

Morrigan comes from the Darkstalkers series. She's a succubus. They did a pretty good job with this figure. I especially like the wings. They don't stay on well though and fall off easily. She has an action feature. Squeeze the legs and the wings will flap. The head sculpt is nice. Very anime like. I also like how they sculpted her left hand to look like she's using her abilities. She comes with a translucent bat. For articulation she's got a peg neck, peg hinge shoulders, elbow hinge, peg hips and knee hinge. She doesn't stand very well due to her heels.

Cyclops Vs M.Bison

This two-pack is not from the Marvel Vs Capcom line. It's from the X-men Vs Street Fighter line. I remember tracking this down mainly for the Cyclops figure. It's one of the best figures of him at the time. It's got a great sculpt, made even cooler with the jacket. It has the X logo on the sleeves. Love it! He also comes with a cool optic blast effect accessory. Articulation, he's got a peg neck, peg hinge shoulders, waist rotation and peg hips. 

M.Bison makes use of the Tombstone body from the Spider-man Animated line. The lower legs are new and I like how the heavy, metal plated boots look. The head sculpt is poor. He looks more like a cartoony goon. I like the cape which is held in place with the gold pegs. It can be removed for whn he begins fighting. There's a button on his back. Push it and he'll swing his arms left and right. Articulation, he's got a peg neck, peg shoulders, elbow hinge, waist rotation, peg hips and knee hinge.

This lot is a cool bunch. Still love them. Would I still pick them up now? Probably not. I doubt we'll see something like this again but we can hope. I wouldn't mind some of the Capcom characters in Legends style. Thanks for viewing!


  1. They are extremely cool no doubt. The Commando guy is great.

  2. Great pieces, but, Morrigan.... T_T
    They can do best in next figure

  3. You sell the Spyderman vs strider for me?,
