
Monday, March 16, 2015

J-Obsession 2015

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Just some pics from J-Obsession which held it's 6th edition over the weekend.  There were J-music song and dance performances, and of course cosplay. 

The theme for this year was "Farewell to Naruto". A good number cosplayed as Naruto characters. Including the invited cosplay guests from Japan, Shiro Mizuno and Rimuta.

Shiro (left), Rimuta

They cosplayed characters from Love Live! on the last day of the event.

Shiro (left), Rimuta

They were judges of the Cosplay Competition which saw 12 acts in all this year. They include skits and performances based on Naruto, Masked Rider, Evangelion and Gundam to name a few. The following are the award winners:

Best Costume - Try-Fighters

Best Performance - Melanie Joanne

"Gambarimashita"  - Tiffany Torico

Best Ninja - Uzumaki Family

The local Cosplay Showcase featured Ashteyz and Rainer Tachibana who performed and played games with the audience. They together with Shiro and Rimuta also had a photo session.

From left: Ashteyz, Rainer, Shiro, Rimuta

Attendees this year were in for a treat as Rie Fu was a guest performer. To be honest I didn't know who she was. I was walking pass when I heard "Life is Like a Boat". It sounded very familiar. The song was stuck in my head and I searched for it through "Googling" her name when I got back. It's actually the first ending song from Bleach! I wished I had stayed for her whole performance. What a missed opportunity...

Rie Fu

That's about it for my visit to the event. I leave you with more Naruto cosplay pics.

 And the links to the various galleries:

Thanks for viewing!

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