
Thursday, September 4, 2014

STGCC 2014 Media Preview

The Media Preview for the Singapore Toy Game & Comic Convention (STGCC) took place today at The Vault. No not at the prison for super villains... I'm talking about the neat restaurant on Circular Road where artists can showcase their work. And man did we see artists. 

Returning as host for the Media Preview as well as STGCC is Elliot Danker. He tried to make us think he was Spider-man but we saw through his deception easily.

Elliot Danker

After watching a highlight video of last year's show we were given a run down of what to expect at this year's edition.

It was then time to meet some of this year's featured guests. Humberto Ramos, Matt Fabris (Sekure D), Lenneth XVII and Alex Solis were welcomed on stage with loud applause. All of them looked very relaxed.

From left: Elliot Danker, Humberto Ramos, Sekure D, Lenneth XVII, Alex Solis

Our host proceeded to ask some questions and here's some of the things we learnt. Their responses are paraphrased. 

Humberto Ramos

Humberto Ramos (right)

- One of the lows of his comic book career is that he stopped being fan. He explains that as a kid you read, draw and talk comics. But now when he gets free time he will want to spend it with family and friends. And he won't feel like reading comics or going to the comic book store.

- One of the highs is that he can hang around with people he admires. And then to find out that those people like his work as well, it's the coolest feeling ever.

Matt Fabris (Sekure D)

Matt Fabris

- His parents were cool with him painting as he got good grades. It was something he was passionate about and it was an outlet. He was happy painting. It paid well and he decided to do it

On why he paints sneakers.
- he's a huge basketball fan. And he played as well. Like anyone who was born in the 80s wanted to be like Michael Jordan. It used to be easy to get new sneakers when they come out but now kids need to queue 3 -4 days before release. He used to like wearing things he didn't see other people wearing. He started painting to have shoes no one else has. He has around 450 pairs at last count and needs to rent storage.  

- he's brought one of a kind stuff for the show. 5 - 6 pairs of shoes. 15 toys, mostly Kidrobot.

Lenneth XVII

Lenneth XVII

On the difference of the cosplay scene here and in the US
- In the US, cossers focus more on big stuff like prop making. You can also see more western costumes. One of the biggest difference other than their size is that more materials are readily available which you can can purchase online. Cossers in the US make thing themselves. Whereas here a cosser cannot may commission a tailor due to their availability to make their costumes. 

- has a dog, a golden retriever which she cosplays with. On whether it was a challenge to take a photo of her dog. She explains not with treat in hand.

- She had local food cravings when she returned from the US. Although there are Asian communities where she stays in the US, there's only a small Singaporean and Malaysian community and it was hard to find home cooked food there.

Alex Solis

Alex Solis

- Likes pop culture stuff. As they help take peoples' mind off bad stuff that's going on. Creating art has a similar effect for him as he will need to focus. 

If there was a significant event that got him into drawing and pop culture.  . 
- initially wanted to do original stuff. But wanted to relate and connect with people more and to make people laugh so he kept going. Its great to connect with a stranger through art.

- He will be trying trying to meet as many people in Singapore, hanging out with them drinking lots of beer.  

The Q&A session ended with a group selfie.

The artists then did live demos at different areas of the restaurant and we could go up to them and ask them questions. I had a chat with Alex Solis and a quick question for Humberto Ramos.

Here's a short video of Humberto Ramos drawing. I was unable to record till he finished.

Humberto Ramos and Alex Solis both drew Spider-man.Which piece of art do you prefer?

Matt Fabris at work. His new Jordan VI Spider-man themed design was on display!

Spider-man themed Jordan VI

Lenneth XVII had interviews to do but I managed to catch her for a quick photo. She was cosplaying as Kaito (Unhappy Refrain) from Vocaloid. 

Ms Rita Magnus, Senior Manager Pop Culture Cluster was in attendance. If you're going to STGCC do spread the word and your pics through social media.

From left: Rita Magnus, Humberto Ramos, Matt Fabris, Lenneth XVII, Alex Solis

Here's a look at some the exclusives which were on display. I'm actually eyeing a couple of items but unfortunately budget is still low. Click on images to enlarge.

For more images of the exclusives and of the Media Preview, click here.

STGCC 2014 happens this weekend, 6-7 September 2014. Go to for details.

Hope to see you there! It's going to be a blast! Thanks for viewing!

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