
Saturday, May 4, 2013

FCBD 2013: G&B Comics and Invasion! Toys & Collectibles

It's Free Comic Book Day! I dropped by a couple of places for a look. 

First up is G&B Comics.

The place was packed!

Invited guests include Sami Basri, Garrie Gastonny and Sunny Gho. Signing and quick sketches were free!

Q-Avengers prints and postcards could be purchased and its creator Keh Choon Wee was on hand to sign them.

Free comics!

Selected merchandise were discounted.

I next went to Invasion! Toys & Collectibles.

Unsurprisingly, it was crowded there as well. 

The guest list.

Here's some of the prints that were available.

Lots of comics on sale but I was more interested in the toys.

Hope you had a fun FCBD.
Thanks for viewing!

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