
Monday, April 8, 2013

Iron Man 3 Marvel Legends Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes

Marvel Legends Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes picture post.

- I like this figure. The metallic paint makes a big difference and for me looks better than the comic Iron Patriot figure colour wise.
- It looks a little thin.
- I don't like the lines coming down his face plate. It makes it look cracked or like he's crying.
- The shoulder pads are soft plastic and are flexible.
- There's a dark line starting from his neck going down towards his right side. I think the plastic got bruised there.
- Great body sculpt.
- The paint application is far better than on the Mark 42. It has some paint rubs though.  

The letterings were printed on very well. Click the images to enlarge.

The shoulder cannon has moving parts. It sticks out a lot if positioned behind his right shoulder. I think it looks better on his left.

There are two holes on his back so we can plug the cannon in either one. The cannon works better plugged in the right side. 

Articulation. He's got a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, double jointed elbows, wrist swivel and hinge, torso pivot, ball hinge hips, thigh swivel, double jointed knees and ankle swivel and hinge. He can't lift his legs straight up much due to the armour on his thighs. The ankle joints can hardly be used due to the leg armour.

The armour on the back of his hands are solid plastic so he cannot flex his wrists outwards at all.

He can hardly bend forwards but he arch backwards very well.

Comparison shots.

Thanks for viewing!

The new Marvel Iron Man 3 Toys by Hasbro are available at Toys'R'Us and major department stores.


1 comment:

  1. that's interesting- kinda like him. will have to pick up for the armory ;)
