
Monday, August 22, 2011

Singapore Toy Games & Comic Convention 2011 Part 1

The Singapore Toy Games & Comic Convention 2011 has come and gone. I attended both days. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. Last years' event was better. Still, had some fun. Got to check stuff out, meet guests and take pics. And boy did I take lots of pics. Read on to check them out !     

The queue on day one was extremely long. The pic below is not of the queue to enter the event, but to collect the vouchers which enables you to purchase the Hot Toys exclusives.  

The queue snaked round to the opposite side of the floor. I'm glad I don't collect these.

These three are the cause of it. They're limited to five hundred per character.

So, after you collect your vouchers, you join the regular queue to enter. I don't have a pic of that as it was pretty squeezy. The next pic shows the third queue you join if you're buying the exclusives, at the collection booth. All in, one could spend six hours or more in queues. And from what I read online, the queues were generally orderly.   

The scene on day two. The exclusives were sold out except for a few Predators, so I heard.

The Hot Toys booth was the main draw for me at this years' con, even though I don't collect them. I spent a good part of my time admiring the figures and trying to snap photos. Part one of my STGCC experience will cover this.

The booth was huge and well decorated. There were many proper displays showcasing current and upcoming figures. This was what I was talking about in my previous comments. Hopefully there'll be more than one such toy booth next year.  

A pic of Thor from the top of the booth. These cutouts are of the actual toy figures.

A shot of a wall. Don't think the posters were individuallay pasted, but it looked that way. 

Now on to the displays. There were lots of people competing for space to take photos. The glass adds to the challenge. I took plenty of shots but some of them didn't turn out decent enough to post. I hope you enjoy the ones that I have. First up is the Samurai Predator I believe.     

Samurai Predator


Iron-Man & Whiplash

Joker (Jack Nicholson)



Captain America


Iron Monger

I still have more pics! 
More figures, close-ups, display scenes and more booth images!

Check out the gallery here.

Click here for Part 2.

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